Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hex Is A Three Letter Word

Four years ago, a snarky witch named Jazz popped into my head and told me it was time for a new journey. It’s a good thing I love road trips because this one was the beginning of a wild ride that’s still going on.

As with all journeys, there’s been some curved roads, some unexpected side paths and the road that goes straight on. Even a few speed traps along the way.

From Jazz I moved to Stasi, a witch with a gentle nature that covered up a steel spine. After all, she brought down the forest Fae, didn’t she? And now it’s Blair’s turn to strut her stuff and strut she does. Blair takes on Weres, an abusive male, and even shows a cheating man the error of his ways.

Blair is the sassy witch with a gift for revenge spells. You’ll see in Hex in High Heels just what she can come up with. Proof to never get on her bad side!

Hex in High Heels takes up a few months after Wicked By Any Other Name leaves off. This time the town is gearing up for the winter carnival, Blair is less than subtly lusting after sexy carpenter Jake and he’s not making it easy for her. And who knew he was keeping more secrets from her. Ones he isn’t able to keep for long when his Alpha mother and brother show up in town. Blair needs to make sure she’s got all her shots since there’s love lost between the Weres who want to move in and take over the entire mountain and Blair who’s going to make sure that won’t happen. As if that’s not enough there’s a bunch of elves in town that aren’t any you’d see with Santa.

Blair also learns that the Weres can be creative when it comes to battling the witch, but that’s okay. She has more than her spells up her sleeve too and the assistance of Horace, Stasi’s gargoyle and even Fluff and Puff, bunny slippers turned … well, that’s something I don’t want to give away!

The fun part is giving each witch a distinct personality and different gifts to add to their powers. To make them unique. You’ll meet future witches in Hex in High Heels. Kick ass Maggie and romance novelist Thea. Remember what I said in the beginning? It’s a journey. I can promise you that each witch will have her journey, actually more a roller coaster ride, a meeting with her mate, and the typical trials and tribulations that makes a witch’s life interesting. I’ve always said I don’t make it easy for my witches. Or maybe it’s that they don’t make it easy for themselves. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be fun, because my characters and the creatures that are their sidekicks tend to make it fun. Fluff and Puff started the insanity and there’s more to come.

My magickal journey is still going on and with luck it won’t end any time soon.


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